15 September 2008

Child custody

The typical divorce includes parents that cannot agree on either who will be the primary custodian or on a parenting schedule (sometimes called visitation). The standard parenting schedule features for a non-custodial and his/her children involves alternate weekend visitation (3-day weekends included), mid-week visitation, sharing of the children during periods of school recess -winter, spring and summer, New Year's Eve, Easter, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Thanksgiving, and Christmas with one parent or the other in alternate years, Father's Day with Father, Mother's Day with Mother, alternate years on the children's birthdays, and open communication by phone and computer.

What experience have you had with child custody? Who received physical custody? Is it called legal custody? Is joint custody awarded? Sole custody? Are you sharing custody 50/50 so that no money changes hands?

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