19 October 2008

Divorce in a Timid New World

Okay. I said this blog would generally avoid politics or partisanship. I lied. Or maybe I didn't lie and have since realized the political winds are blowing a storm this way, prompting a different perspective on "recovery". Not just any storm really. A category 6 hurricane. A tsunami with 100 ft. waves. Something we've never seen before.

It appears that in short order The U.S. will vote Barack Obama into the Presidency. No one knows him. He has no accomplishments. His associations are deeply troubling. Americans have looked up from Dancing with the Stars and Survivor just long enough to blindly and carelessly choose what is behind door#2 before they lapse back into their prozac and Busch beer comas.

How many Americans do you suppose know about Black Liberation Theology? Would one out of a hundred be right? Probably not. How about one out of a thousand? I'd say that's a stretch. One out of ten thousand? A million? I shudder to think what it really is.

Who is this guy? After all, he only spent 200 days in the U.S. Senate before he announced his candidacy. Does it trouble anyone that Obama will have raised nearly $800 million for his run, and from those we can't identify? How much is from people, groups or countries that don't like traditional America but are looking to buy a philosophically different White House? Which special interest groups now own Obama?

What's with this ACORN flap? Few disagree that there has been voter fraud, but how does it relate to Obama and the Democratic party? The public seems to not want to hear about ACORN, or the Bill Ayres issue at this point in the race. Why is that? What if you discovered that an ally of Osama bin Laden was running for President? We know Obama is not that, but what's with all this interaction with those in his past consistently extreme left liberals?

It appears that there's no stopping this freight train to Socialism. It also appears that ACORN will avoid meaningful investigation and become the Brown-shirt strong-arm of Obama's Presidency. Getting a pass on voter fraud, you can be sure they will be on every street corner in America by the next Presidential election. Fidel Castro enjoyed a 99% voter plurality over his lifetime. Everyone loved him so. With few Republicans remaining, my guess would be Obama will achieve the same.

You owe it to yourself to research who this guy Obama is. He is not benign. He does not simply represent a different philosophy. He has a secret agenda. Socialism. One political party. No stock market. The State will provide for you. If you don't educate yourself before Nov. 4th, you'll only have yourself to blame. Click on link#1 or link#2 or link#3 or any of Bob's rants. Not convinced? View this ten-minute YouTube video. If this stuff doesn't get you angry, you're..well, dead. Bob is exactly right on. Can you hear the clarion call of the trumpet? Can you hear the faint voice echoing in the German Reichstag?

Your grandchildren will ask you where you were at the beginning of the Obama "presidency". You will tell them you were one of the enlightened ones, or you tell them you did nothing to stop them.

For me, above the shrill clarion call I can hear the faint sounds of jackboots in the distance, growing progressively louder. If Obama & Co. are not stopped you will be able to identify the Sheeple by their Obama '08 bumper stickers.

R.I.P. America 1776-2008

05 October 2008

One of the more cooler social networking sites-StumbleUpon.com

Have you stumbled upon StumbleUpon.com yet? No doubt you've been through the many layers of Facebook, MySpace and those other sites that hit you with dozens and dozens of applications to opt into, out of and dance around. StumbleUpon is in practical terms more user-friendly in that there's far fewer applications to manage and mess with, allows you the ability to store literally thousands of your favorite web sites, provides you with your own blog to customize, and has as it's core a unique method of finding or stumbling upon great sites on the internet.

Have you ever wished you could do a search on Google, Yahoo, MSN or any of the other search engines in such a way that it would yield results (websites) that you only have an interest in? While the search engines are working on something like that as we speak, StumbleUpon allows you to choose categories of interest, and with the click of a button, be served up an endless stream of websites in areas of interest that you have chosen. You get to, with a single click, "vote" in a thumbs up or thumbs down fashion for each site or simply skip over a site to get to the next site served up to you.

This author has sat here clicking on the StumbleUpon button for over and hour and seen some amazing sites I NEVER would have found otherwise. This site and blog has a blog of sorts there on StumbleUpon. Would you stop by, download the very cool StumbleUpon toolbar, find the Divorce Recovery Suite site, and vote a thumbs up for us?

Log into StumbleUpon and begin finding sites that until now remained invisible. You'll be glad you did :-)